Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"Immemorial" (photos of selected pieces)

This work has been about violence/anti violence. Having personally experienced a very full array of violence directly, and in many forms, far too many times. The work was to be a personal healing dispersement, brought a greater understanding of violence as a human action. It made for a long, thorough, and grueling observation of the results, spanning from the almost invisible/sublime to the truly horrific. I also looked at how power and sexuality tie into violence. While it seemed necessary on many levels to do this body of work and the subject remains hugely relevant everywhere around, my intention was to create it to look like an archeological archive in a museum type of format, having their own display boxes and on museum quality stands. The principal idea was to take modern domestic household items and re-create artifact like weapons with them. Some objects and paintings although non weapon like, still tie in, in meaning. I wanted them to say: Violence, an aspect of humanity we ought to have outgrown long ago in our evolution. I wanted to capture the essence, be a little unforgiving, not edit the content, and ask uncomfortable questions. On all levels, I think we all recognize any type of and all forms of violence, and that it does usually make our stomaches uneasy. My work is known for being valuable in the sense that I don’t take up these subjects lightly. I choose to look them in the eye, with all my heart.  

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